Monday, October 27, 2008


I did not have the money to go to a gallery. But I went and saw Camille Utterback , and I didn't even realize Beth said this would count, I had already planned to see her. Camille is a pioneering artist and programmer in the field of interactive installation. She literally gives New Media a whole new voice. She specializes in interactive art. Though I did not go to a gallery perse, the work she showed us had been in a gallery. And right now in The Milwaukee Art Museum, which if I can get the money I would love to go.

Camille's artwork makes you take a step back and really ponder the possibilities of what one can create as art. She is very interested in how we as humans interact with her work and other interactive art works. People come up with all different ways to interact with her work whether it is by them self, with each other or even with strangers. All of her work can be found online at

One of my favorites is called text rain. It involves text falling from the top of the screen. When a user steps into a certain area the text falls on the outline of there body. They can move there arms or other parts of there body to catch the text and hold it there or even hit it back up to the top. As the text collect on a part of the boy it begins to spell out words and sentences. All the the letters that are falling down are actually pieces of a poem. I would really encourage every one to look at the work she has done!

What inspires me?

Inspiration comes in many forms. We each inspire differently. Sometimes I can get inspired by the simplest thing such as a commercial or even reading a book. For me inspiration hits all the time, I just don't have time to use it, lol. But one of the things that has been inspiring me for the past 7 years or so is my friends digital art. His site is called transparent black

My friend Pete has been in exploration of his creative talents through photoshop. His digital are is amazing. You can look through his art from the time he started until present and see the directions he has taken and how it has improved. If I ever need to be inspired this is where I go. Here are some of my favorite pieces from him.

Monday, September 29, 2008

What if rainbows were in grayscale?

With more time to work on this, it could be pretty good, but i am so last minute. I can't remember whose blog it was on but there was a What if rainbows were in grayscale? So this is what i picked. I think I will come back and make it better later.

Last Class

last class for me at least, was one of the best classes. i talked more than ususal. its not that i am not a talker, i just get shy sometimes around people i dont know, and when i open my mouth sometimes i sound like an idiot. but i am going to try and be more annoying and talk talk talk.

i really liked the freedom of last class. the exercise we did on break with the chairs was kick ass! i think that people who hadn't really talked to other class mates got to know each other. at least for me. i guess being silly is a bonding exercise or something.

over all i like it. i thought it was funny how many different things people in class did when given an hour to do whatever.

beth, next time your buying me a beer!

What if (belated)

WHAT IF.......

1.time travel was possible? ran on spit?

3.everyone followed their dreams?

4.true love never failed?

5.we all had special powers like the x-men?

6.we were hooked up to a computer data base and could change our eye and hair color any color everyday to how our moods were?

7.there was no aids?

8.all human beings were educated?

9.we could go back and change 3 mistakes in our life, but we were unable to see the butterfly effect?

10.i could change the world?

11.eve wasn't a gluttonous bitch?

12.Jesus never died on the cross?

13.Unicorns made it on to the ark?

14.we could talk to animals?

15.i had the guts and talent to follow my dreams?

16.i spent more time on homework in this class (what could i achieve?)?

17.uniqueness was considered a prize instead of a flaw?

18.being overweight was the beautiful norm?

19.people could really see me for who i am?

20.i wasn't so invisible? dad left my mom sooner?

22.we had a magic typewriter like in the John Candy movie Delirious and everything we wrote came true?

23.knowledge was free? didn't cost a thing?

25.peoples eye color meant that those colors stood out more to them when looking at objects?

26.i could see how each choice i made would effect my life?

27.they made great tasting food with zero calories?

28.i could be a vampire?

29.i could go into books and live out the story?

30.people never died they just went to earth 2.0?

31.the grass was purple and the sky red?

32.all the nursery rhymes escaped the books and ran a muck/havoc?

33.i had all the knowledge in the world (would i go crazy)?

34.the dinosaurs never died, would our death rate increase or would we eat t-rex burgers?

35.are knees were on the back of our legs, what would a chair look like? was cold and ice was hot?

37.the clouds would shed and we would have cotton everywhere?

38.the Easter bunny was a bad guy and we had to hide colored eggs in the yard or he would crap chocolate bunnies every where that were radioactive?

39.snow was white paint and we would have to clean up after it snowed?

40.we all lived in tree houses, but still had the knowledge and technology we have today?

41.we could all have anime hair?

42.we melted around the m and m's?

43.we all had our own wardrobe and personal Narnia? could have babies, would women wear the pants in the family?

45.people could see the beauty around them?

46.when playing zelda: ocarina of time and you beat the horse race, then you got something better than that damn cow!?

47.what if spiders webs were made from gold?

48.when we were born are names were tattooed on the bottom of our foot and no one had a choice of what there name was, not even your parents?

49.alchemy existed as a science and computers never made it?

50.we could drink and smoke during class?

Monday, September 15, 2008


Time....something that we as humans have created. Time only exists in our conventional way because we made it. Is a day really 24 hours? A minute 60 seconds? Who knows? To me the meaning of time is death and rebirth. The only two things that time can really hold. Time is also measured in pain. Because not all time heals pain. Sometimes the pain grows worse with time. Yet time is life, time is death and time is pain.

if i hold a clock up to my ear
will my very dreams come near
waiting for that healing year
but only falls a lonely tear

Monday, September 8, 2008

ILLUSION (aka Bible Dipping) P. 223

This is a real work of art that was created by Shigeo Fukuda!

1.something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
2.the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension. instance of being deceived.

An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. While illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people.

What is an illusion? Is an illusion alluding us? Or do we want to see something so bad that our mind fills in the blanks of what are subconscious wants? There are many common illusion, mostly optical. But are these illusions or are we actually using that other %90 of the brain that they say we don't use. Maybe illusions are our minds way of telling us that we can be more creative than we think.