Monday, September 29, 2008

What if (belated)

WHAT IF.......

1.time travel was possible? ran on spit?

3.everyone followed their dreams?

4.true love never failed?

5.we all had special powers like the x-men?

6.we were hooked up to a computer data base and could change our eye and hair color any color everyday to how our moods were?

7.there was no aids?

8.all human beings were educated?

9.we could go back and change 3 mistakes in our life, but we were unable to see the butterfly effect?

10.i could change the world?

11.eve wasn't a gluttonous bitch?

12.Jesus never died on the cross?

13.Unicorns made it on to the ark?

14.we could talk to animals?

15.i had the guts and talent to follow my dreams?

16.i spent more time on homework in this class (what could i achieve?)?

17.uniqueness was considered a prize instead of a flaw?

18.being overweight was the beautiful norm?

19.people could really see me for who i am?

20.i wasn't so invisible? dad left my mom sooner?

22.we had a magic typewriter like in the John Candy movie Delirious and everything we wrote came true?

23.knowledge was free? didn't cost a thing?

25.peoples eye color meant that those colors stood out more to them when looking at objects?

26.i could see how each choice i made would effect my life?

27.they made great tasting food with zero calories?

28.i could be a vampire?

29.i could go into books and live out the story?

30.people never died they just went to earth 2.0?

31.the grass was purple and the sky red?

32.all the nursery rhymes escaped the books and ran a muck/havoc?

33.i had all the knowledge in the world (would i go crazy)?

34.the dinosaurs never died, would our death rate increase or would we eat t-rex burgers?

35.are knees were on the back of our legs, what would a chair look like? was cold and ice was hot?

37.the clouds would shed and we would have cotton everywhere?

38.the Easter bunny was a bad guy and we had to hide colored eggs in the yard or he would crap chocolate bunnies every where that were radioactive?

39.snow was white paint and we would have to clean up after it snowed?

40.we all lived in tree houses, but still had the knowledge and technology we have today?

41.we could all have anime hair?

42.we melted around the m and m's?

43.we all had our own wardrobe and personal Narnia? could have babies, would women wear the pants in the family?

45.people could see the beauty around them?

46.when playing zelda: ocarina of time and you beat the horse race, then you got something better than that damn cow!?

47.what if spiders webs were made from gold?

48.when we were born are names were tattooed on the bottom of our foot and no one had a choice of what there name was, not even your parents?

49.alchemy existed as a science and computers never made it?

50.we could drink and smoke during class?

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